Independent and empowered: Stories of First-Gen Students

Four Bethel students share their experiences as first-generation college students.

Asleep in the back of a yellow bus, Navidad Sanchez Resendiz made her way home from first grade, exhausted from a day of learning to navigate a school and make friends who spoke a different language. At the age of six, Sanchez Resendiz moved from Mexico to the United States, joining her parents and younger sister who were already living in the U.S. When the bus driver made his way to the back of the bus, checking

On Change

Stepping off of an airplane in Belize starts like most trips to tropical locations: the humid air leads to shedding layers, tying the flannel that kept you warm in Minnesota around your waist and admiring the palm trees. Yet in Belize, the familiar feeling of family vacation to Disney World fades quickly as you walk outside of the airport, being funneled towards a door. Once inside, bright turquoise walls and dim lighting provide the path towards your baggage. Our tightly packed hiking bags arri

Bethel goats and the buckthorn behind them

Trent Viesselman faced an early October snow behind Lissner Hall, digging through drifts and fighting the wind to find the neon pink markers driven into the ground.

Vivian Marchan looked over her shoulder in the woods after hearing a rustling. When she turned around, a deer was following her.

Cady Peterson spent many hours sporting chest-high waders, beating away branches and practically crawling through shrubbery.

All of this to count the buckthorn that grows on Bethel University’s campus st

Social media as a scrapbook

Rather than creating an environment of toxicity, I treat my Instagram as a collection of pieces representing growth.

Follow me on Instagram @_mollymcfadden. Do it. Do it right now.

Thank you! Now, keep it pulled up because this is an interactive story. A “Choose Your Own Adventure” book.

Try to find a theme between my last three posts. A color scheme I often use or a template that fits each photo selection. I’d love to hear your thoughts because I can’t find one. And I don’t want to.

My acco